Make It Easy to Do Business
With You and Close the Sale
Once your target
audience has seen your marketing message, make sure you identify what action you want them
to take to help close the sale. In other words, ask for the sale and then explain the next
step in the buying process.
Right Call-to-Action Closes the Sale
Now that you've gotten your visitor's attention, what is it that you want them to do after
viewing your site, advertisement or direct mail piece? Place an order? Send you an
e-mail? Fax you a form? Register for a seminar? Respond to a survey?
Be sure to
provide ample opportunities for each visitor to respond at his convenience (not yours!),
including local and toll-free phone and fax numbers, postage-paid business-reply card or
envelope, e-mail address and web site address.
One more thing [a
"duh!"]: be sure you have the people and procedures in place to respond to all
inquiries and orders.